Tag Archives: copts

2011 New year blast in Egypt church

Last year almost at same time, and before I go to attend Christmas liturgy in Coptic church in USA, I found my Facebook home page attacked by posts saying three persons killed 7 christians while they are leaving Christmas liturgy in Naga’ Hamadi in Egypt.

Deep in my heart I felt so sad and as if some one killed my joy and happiness of these good celebration, when Jesus was born an angel appeared to shepherds and said “Glory be to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men” (Luke 2:14), so Jesus brought peace to the earth not blood and death.

This morning (1/1/2011) and while Christians are praying and celebrating new year in churches, in St. Mark and St. Peter the seal of martyrs in Alexandria, Egypt; and while Christians leaving church after prayers (12:20 am), a car parking in front of the church exploded leaving 21 dead persons and more than 90 injured, the explosion caused to other cars to explode; people start to scream and cry trying to move injured to St. Mark hospital behind the church, I saw lots of videos and photos showing blood everywhere and bodies parts on the street sides.

Police, fire fighters and ambulances rushed to the place trying to fight fire and help injured people and collect dead bodies and parts, Copts start to get angry and started conflict between them and police; as if they are angry of them not saving their families and friends neither there or in Naga’a Hamadi or ElKosheh in 2001 when 20 Copts killed.

I pray for martyrs families and all Copts in Egypt and everywhere that God give them condolences and peace in their hearts, and save  His people.

Some resources for this accedent: